Online Mentoring


  • Prepare like you would for in-person mentoring. Make sure to go over the content

    the mentee is going to be working on.

  • Introduce yourself! Send a message in your group channel or do a quick video

    meeting introducing yourself to your mentees. This is a great way to become

    familiar and comfortable around each other.

  • Send check in messages. It is difficult to see if someone is struggling

    with their work while online mentoring, so it's a good idea to check in and

    make sure everything is going smoothly. It can be helpful to schedule a time for

    a video meeting where all mentees can discuss their status and work through problems together.

  • Encourage screen share and video meetings. If a mentee needs help it's helpful

    to facilitate discussion through video meetings and screen share. Discourage the use of

    workspace sharing extensions such as CodeTogether and LiveShare, so the mentee can

    navigate the screen themselves.

  • Be accessible. Work to be available to respond quickly to any questions that arise.

    It is perfectly fine to step away from your computer and take a break,

    but make sure to inform your mentees if you are stepping away for a while. Also

    consider changing your online status if this is an available feature. If you need

    to step away from your device for an extended period of time make sure to have another

    mentor cover for you! Also, don't forget to encourage mentees to take a break as well!

  • Allow and encourage sufficient time for mentees to work independently. Be available

    but also take breaks, turn off your video, or work through the material yourself

    when it looks like mentees have picked up some momentum. No need to hover!

Last updated